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We miss you Tom!

July 9, 2015

Tom GassmanHillcrest Family Services mourns the sudden passing of Tom Gassman last evening. Words cannot express our sadness or our level of sympathy for his family and friends. Tom, beloved by so many, was a tireless volunteer for Hillcrest’s Reflections in the Park for many years. Along with his band of fun loving, Dubuque loving, and Christmas loving friends he helped transform Louis Murphy Park into a twinkling wonderland each year. Even when weakened with illness, Tom’s commitment and passion kept him involved  in the his mission to brighten the Christmas season for the Tri-State area.  Reflections was only one of his passions. Tom’ civic commitment and pride were also put into action in his involvement in city government in Epworth. Tom was constantly giving of himself for others.

I join so many others throughout Dubuque County in praying in thanksgiving for the gift of Tom in my life, and for comfort and peace for his family.  Tom, you made so many lights shine. Thank You!

– Gary Gansemer, President/CEO Hillcrest Family Services