Children need families for a better life. It’s really as simple as that. But there is nothing simple when it comes to the complexities of adoption. That’s where Hillcrest Family Services fits in. We’ve helped facilitate the adoption process for thousand of families by making the lives of thousands of children so much better. Regardless if it’s domestic, international or independent adoptions, there are so many different types and forms, each with their own details and complexities, that you’ll need Hillcrest’s adoption experts to navigate the legal process, the details and the paperwork. Hillcrest is licensed for adoptions in both Iowa and Wisconsin and Interccounty Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity (IAAME) accredited to assist with international adoptions.
In many cases of adoption, the roles are reversed; that’s why Hillcrest also provides free counseling to people who face an unintended pregnancy. If adoption is a consideration, then we will work to find prospective parents. Even in these instances, there are several choices to be made including closed, open and semi-open adoption solutions. Unintended pregnancies don’t always result in adoption, and when they don’t, Hillcrest works to develop parenting plans for birth parents that help ensure that their child will have a great start in life.
Adoption Services Include
Adoption Law Update: Governor Reynolds signed new legislation that will allow an adopted adult whose original birth certificate was substituted with a new certificate after adoption, to apply for and obtain a non-certified copy of the original certificate of birth, which will include biological parent information. The law will immediately apply to those who were born before 1971. Beginning January 1, 2022, anyone over the age of 18 can request the same document.
As a result of this law, Per the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) Bureau of Health Statistics, adoptees may now receive a non-certified copy of the certificate of birth prior to adoption. Biological parents may state their preference to release their identity and option for contact, or for their identity to be removed from the original certificate of birth prior to adoption. If you wish to remain anonymous, this requires you to take action and you must complete and return the Biological Parent Contact Preference form found at: This form needs to be returned to IDPH Bureau of Health Statistics.
The following website may have some helpful information regarding this new law and FAQ’s:
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact the IDPH Bureau of Health Statistics at 515.281.7689.
Jen was 16 years old and experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. She was scared of what family and friends would think and scared about the future. With the support of Hillcrest, Jen was able to work through her fears and make a decision that she was comfortable with. Hillcrest matched her with an adoptive couple that met her needs and give Jen the assurance that her child would have the best possible life. Now they are an extended family, supporting each other as they watch their beautiful baby grow.
Mike and Jamie learned of their infertility shortly after they were married. Wanting a large family, they felt adoption was the next logical option. They were very much looking forward to sharing their lives with a child which is why they chose Hillcrest. After completing their adoption home study, Mike and Jamie were matched with a birth mother who trusted them to take care of her daughter. Today, they are happily raising their daughter and are forever grateful.
Adoption is a process that takes time and is very detailed. Whether you’re considering adopting a child or placing a child for adoption, call us today or email our adoption specialist Robin Shelby.