A Student Art Show, Shows More Than Art
May 23, 2016
On Tuesday, May 10, 2016 students of Anna B. Lawther Academy were featured in our first annual Art Show.
Mary Jo Pancratz, our certified Art teacher, organized and presented the Art Show.
Students began this school year by studying the elements of art, then moving forward to one point perspectives, still life drawing and watercolor drawings.
Some of our students studied papier Mache, Picasso, and zentangles. Other classes studied the Renaissance period, water colors, stained glass and sand art.
Students were able to choose what was displayed. Items ranged from 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional, sculptures, worry dolls, totem poles, and weaving. Students and staff enjoyed the wide array of items displayed.
Not only do these art pieces display artistic techniques learned, but life lessons learned. These projects gave students opportunities to experience alternate ways of expressing themselves; so many of our students struggle to cope with their past life traumas. Art offers them a way to express feelings and emotions without having to verbalize it or use words. It also provides them a sense of accomplishment; a sense of pride, value, and worthiness. “I did this! And it is worthy to be displayed in an art show. I can do great things!”
We look forward to our next annual Art Show!
-Christine Davis, Anna B. Lawther Academy Principal 9 – 12