February 5, 2015
Have you heard about the benefits of meditation? Research shows that individuals who meditate regularly are happier and calmer. We could all use more of that! How to get started? Here are some tips for starting a medication practice.
1. Create a special place for meditation; the atmosphere will help still the mind.
2. Choose a time when your mind can be free of everyday concerns—dawn and dusk are ideal.
3. Use the same time and place each day to condition the mind to slow down more quickly.
4. Sit with your back, neck and head in straight line.
5. Instruct your mind to remain quiet for the duration of your meditation session.
6. Regulate your breathing. (Five minutes of deep breathing.).
7. Establish a rhythmic breathing pattern.
8. Let your mind wander at first, it will grow more restless if you force it to concentrate.
9. Bring your mind to a rest on a focal point.
10. Apply your chosen technique, hold your object of concentration at this focal point throughout your session.
If this is not enough, consider receiving instruction to help you begin to meditate. Join Becky & Steve Haas, M.D. at Hillcrest Family Services Hadley Chapel on Wednesday, February 18, 2015, 7:00-8:30PM for free instruction in meditation. Their ongoing dialogues will help you open to and explore a natural way of living; one that is steadfast, free of suffering and stress, and in harmony with our essential nature.