Did You Know Hillcrest Has a Boarding School?
August 10, 2014
Not everyone does. The Anna B. Lawther Academy serves youth who are struggling in school, coping with life, having disciplinary and behavioral problems, need counseling and some special attention that can’t be found in more traditional schools. But the Academy doesn’t just serve students from Iowa, it serves students from across the country in a boarding school environment complete with residential education homes that are supervised by Hillcrest staff around the clock.
Hillcrest’s boarding school has changed the lives of hundreds of students and their families. Our boarding school has graduated students, or, in many cases, turned their lives around so dramatically that they have been able to return home and re-enter the school they were originally being educated at. Because of Hillcrest’s Culture of Results, our boarding school is able to successfully treat teens with mental health issues, those with addictions, sexual disorders, issues of aggression and defiance and other wide ranging behavioral illnesses.
There is hope for a troubled teen no matter where they are from. The hope is Hillcrest, and the results are real.