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Breast milk, the best, first food for babies!!

August 21, 2015

When I was pregnant with my first child, we knew we wanted our baby to receive breast milk because we had heard about all the benefits for baby.  Little did we know ALL the benefits, as breastfeeding benefits go beyond just baby. They also apply to me, our budget, and the community.

Some benefits to me (this is not all inclusive)

  • Breastfeeding helps women to lose weight faster after delivery.
  • Breastfeeding helps to decrease a women’s risk of breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer.
  • Breastfeeding helps lessen the bleeding after delivery.

Some benefits to the community

  • Saves valuable natural resources and keeps the environment clean.
  • Fewer healthcare costs spent on illnesses.
  • Less time lost from work because of sickness.

If I had fed formula to my baby the first year of life, it would have cost around $1200.00.  Wow, just think of what you can do with that kind of money.

We were also surprised to see how breast milk compared to formula. Look at this pictorial which compares properties in breast milk with properties in formula.







August is National Breastfeeding month.  If you have any questions or need any support feel free to call the Hillcrest WIC offices.

Dubuque, Delaware, Jones – 563-557-4444

Clinton or Jackson – 563-243-9329

– Cynthia Kaczinski, RD, LD, CBE, Hillcrest WIC