EAGLE Accreditation
January 27, 2015
Gary Gansemer, the president and CEO of Hillcrest, sent out a special announcement this week. He wrote:
Today I want to share some breaking news that focuses on our program quality. The United Methodist Association’s EAGLE Commission – EAGLE stands for Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading toward Excellence – has awarded a four-year accreditation to Hillcrest as the result of a three-and-a-half day survey and self-assessment that was completed in November.
This accreditation signifies to the nation that Hillcrest is an outstanding faith-based organization that has quality treatment programs, a rigorous oversight from its Board of Trustees, and a strong faith connection. This faith connection is evident in our partner relationships with the Iowa and Wisconsin Annual Conferences of the United Methodist Church and the Synod of Lakes and Prairies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This connection is lived out in our integration of spirituality throughout the organization. We are the only EAGLE accredited organization in the two-state Annual Conferences and the other four states additionally covered by the Synod.
The surveyors were impressed by our clients, staff, leadership and Board of Trustees.
I want to extend my special thank you and congratulations to Francie Tuescher who coordinated this entire EAGLE accreditation process that led to this recognition for the entire organization.
This would be a special moment at any time, but it is especially significant because it occurred at the end of our 100th year anniversary in covenant with the Iowa Conference of the United Methodist Church.