5 Things Prospective Adoptive Couples Should Consider
November 19, 2015
Did you know that November is National Adoption Awareness Month!? Hillcrest Family Services has been providing adoption services to birth parent(s) and adoptive parent(s) since 1896! More recently, we have helped shape 53 families in the past 5 years!! Here at Hillcrest, we provide 3 adoption programs including our Local, Domestic and International programs.
Adoption.net gives us five things prospective adoptive couples should consider as they start the adoption process:
1. YOUR READINESS – It is important to be ‘on the same page’ with a spouse or partner regarding your readiness to adopt. If there is a gap in wishes, readiness or type of child you are looking for, spend time talking things through prior to starting the process.
2. THE AGE OF CHILD DESIRED – Decide if you are looking for a newborn or older child (over age 12 months). Infants will lead you to a domestic adoption. Older kids are usually adopted through US foster care or through an international adoption.
3. THE BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON THE CHILD – You get the most medical and familial information through a domestic adoption and varying amounts (often starting when a child enters institutional care) through international adoption.
4. TRAVELING REQUIREMENTS – How flexible and comfortable are you with traveling? If you are fearful of flying or can only be away for a short period of time, you should consider a domestic adoption. International adoption may include long flights, weeks away at a time and varying accommodations.
5. DEVELOPING TRUST IN THOSE HELPING YOU TO ADOPT – While you will remain the final say in a particular adoption, you will need to allow your attorney, agency and state, federal or country requirements to guide the process. Discuss with your agency or attorney who will make which decisions prior to starting your process.
“In adoption, a child is not given up. A birth mother gives life, a child, a family, and unconditional love. She gives a part of her heart that will never feel whole. She gives another mother a part of her heart that was always missing. An adoptive mother gives a life and family to this child. She gives unconditional love. She gives a part of her heart to another mother. You give a lot. Just Never give up.” Terra Cooper
Jody Ludowitz, LBSW, Adoption Social Worker